Meet Versatik, your generative ai agency

Versatik’s mission is to champion the aspirations of SMEs in the ever-evolving landscape of global commerce. As a dedicated SME-centric agency, we are committed to harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to propel SMEs towards international sales success. Beyond this, we are passionate about democratizing access to AI tools and insights, bridging knowledge gaps and ensuring that every SME is poised to thrive in the digital age.

Unlocking the power of AI to grow internationally

Utilizing AI is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge and amplifying international sales in today’s rapidly evolving global market. In the rapidly evolving business world, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are constantly striving for growth and sustainability. AI technology has emerged as a game-changer, offering SMEs solutions to enhance their efficiency and productivity:

  • Customer Engagement: AI tools, like chatbots and recommendation engines, enable SMEs to offer customized customer interactions, fostering loyalty and enhancing support.
  • Resource Optimization: AI algorithms enhance resource management, from inventory handling to task scheduling, ensuring time and cost savings.
  • Boosting Sales: AI augments marketing efforts, ensuring precise targeting. It also deciphers customer behavior, letting SMEs fine-tune their offerings.
  • Informed Decision-Making: AI provides SMEs with insightful data analyses and market trend evaluations, paving the way for informed, confident decisions.
  • Task Automation: AI alleviates the burden of repetitive tasks from SMEs, ensuring accuracy and freeing up staff for strategic roles.
  • Driving Innovation: AI aids SMEs in R&D , guiding the strategic development of innovative products and services.


Helpings SMEs to sell more abroad for over 10 years

For more than a decade, the founding team at Versatik has been helping companies to expand into foreign markets using digital technology. From designing websites tailored to international audiences, automating, analysing and creating multilingual content, to providing strategic support for your export development.

A project-centric approach

At Versatik, we operate on a project-centric approach, ensuring that each assignment receives the specialized attention it deserves. Rather than a one-size-fits-all team, we curate a unique ensemble of professionals tailored to the specific requirements of each project. This dynamic strategy allows us to harness the distinct expertise and skills of our diverse team members, ensuring optimal results and solutions that are both innovative and bespoke to the task at hand.

Meet the founder

Introducing Sam Husson, the founder of Versatik. With a decade-long career spanning SEO, web design, and translation. Sam has been working on  numerous projects. His portfolio boasts collaborations with companies such as Michelin, Royal Canin, MGM, Amnesty International, Societe Generale, Blackberry, Zensol, Welcome Family, Ebadges, or Scenolia.

Sam holds an MBA from Warwick Business School, a diploma from Skema, and is certified in machine learning by Duke University. Further amplifying his credentials, he is also proficient in Python.

Training sessions: Sam has been imparting courses on leveraging the Web for global expansion through many French Chambers of Commerce, thanks to a collaboration with Formatex – a renowned specialist in international development training, jointly established by Business France, Bpifrance, and ESCE.