Interactions with a company’s customer service are set to undergo significant changes in the coming months. Increasingly, businesses are adopting AI voicebots to handle customer service and other aspects of their operations, such as scheduling appointments, tracking orders, and managing sales actions.

Voicebots are now faster, smarter, and more personalized than ever before. They can answer questions, solve problems, and even crack jokes.

Before you start searching for and selecting an AI voicebot for your business, it’s essential to get the facts straight. Let’s dive into what you need to know.

Do you really need an AI voicebot?

AI voicebots use natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI) to understand and respond to human speech. They can perform a variety of tasks, such as answering FAQs, making appointments, and recording orders. They can also integrate with other systems to access and update data.

Integrating voice AI into your operations offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Saving Time and Money: Automate repetitive tasks.
  • Enhancing Customer Experience: Provide instant and accurate responses.
  • Boosting Customer Loyalty: Offer personalized and human-like interactions.
  • Increasing Sales and Conversions: By up-selling and cross-selling products and services.

It’s crucial to determine whether your business will truly benefit from a voicebot. Consider these factors:

  • The volume and complexity of customer inquiries you receive.
  • The availability and cost of human agents.
  • The preferences and expectations of your target audience.
  • Your company’s goals and objectives.

Factors to Consider When Selecting an AI Voicebot


Your company’s specific needs and objective

Identify the issues and challenges affecting your customer communications and how an AI voicebot can help you address them. Consider whether you want to:

    • Reduce waiting times and improve response rates.
    • Offer multilingual support.
    • Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
    • Generate more leads and revenue.
    • Streamline workflows and optimize resources.
    • Gather valuable information and feedback.

The level of personalization you need

Personalization is key to creating memorable customer experiences and building trust. Customers expect to be treated as individuals. A good AI voicebot should be able to:

  • Understand the context and intent behind customer queries.
  • Generate relevant and natural responses.
  • Provide answers in a clear and expressive voice.
  • Handle different accents, dialects, and languages.
  • Learn from customer feedback and improve over time.

Technical aspects and performance

When choosing an AI voicebot, consider various technical aspects that will directly impact the user experience. Key points include:

  • Latency: Ensure minimal delay for a seamless interaction.
  • Voice Quality: The synthesized voices should be clear, expressive, and pleasant to listen to.
  • Language Support: Ensure the voicebot supports multiple languages, essential for international operations.

Additionally, the voicebot should be capable of performing specific actions, such as making appointments. It should understand customer availability, suggest appropriate time slots, and record appointments in your management system. This functionality is a crucial indicator of the bot’s performance and utility.

API integration is also a significant asset, enabling you to collect and utilize conversation data, integrating it into systems like CRM. For instance, data can be automatically recorded and updated in your CRM, simplifying customer interaction management and enhancing service quality. Effective API integration ensures real-time data synchronization across platforms, contributing to a consistent and personalized customer experience.

Voicebot or callbot, or both?

A callbot functions similarly to a voicebot but is deployed exclusively on a telephone platform. While they share many similarities, a callbot is essentially a voicebot using the telephone as a channel.

Depending on your specific needs, you may prefer one or both to deliver an omnichannel customer experience. A voicebot can enhance digital platform interactions, while a callbot can efficiently manage phone calls, ensuring prompt and consistent responses to customer queries.

The ability to receive or make calls

Callbots are ideal for managing telephone calls, whether incoming or outgoing. They can receive calls to answer customer queries and make calls for follow-ups, appointment reminders, or marketing campaigns. This two-way calling capability makes callbots invaluable for call centers and companies looking to automate telephone communications.

Desired level of human intervention

While AI voicebots can handle most requests autonomously, some situations may require human assistance. A good AI voicebot should be able to:

  • Detect when human intervention is needed.
  • Transfer the conversation to a human agent.
  • Direct the conversation to the most suitable agent based on availability, skills, or location.
  • Collaborate with human agents by making suggestions or sending alerts. For instance, a voicebot for appointments can remind both the customer and the professional of the scheduled time.

Proposed integration

Integration is crucial to ensure your voicebot can access and update data from your existing systems and platforms, avoiding data silos and inconsistencies while providing accurate information to customers. Ensure your AI voicebot can:

  • Connect to your CRM, ERP, e-commerce, or other platforms via APIs or webhooks.
  • Synchronize data across multiple channels and devices in real time.
  • Support various communication modes such as phone calls, web chat, mobile apps, or smart speakers.

Ease of use and user support

Ease of use is essential for quick and smooth deployment. Consider how the voicebot can assist your agents in delivering better customer service. An AI voicebot should:

  • Be easy to update.
  • Be straightforward to analyze using reports and analytics.
  • Provide valuable insights to employees on improving business performance.

Scalability and customization of the solution

Scalability ensures your voicebot can handle increasing volumes without compromising quality or performance. Adaptability is vital to meet changing customer needs and expectations. A good AI voicebot should:

  • Handle multiple simultaneous conversations without latency or errors.
  • Support several languages without losing precision or nuance.
  • Learn from customer feedback and behavior, improving over time.
  • Allow adding new features without disrupting existing functionalities.

Security and long-term potential

Security is crucial to protect your data and customers’ information from unauthorized access or misuse. A good AI voicebot should:

  • Encrypt and anonymize data during transmission and storage.
  • Comply with data privacy and security regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, etc.
  • Regularly update and patch to avoid vulnerabilities or bugs.

Costs and pricing model

Costs are a significant factor in any business decision. Consider both the initial setup and ongoing usage costs of an AI voicebot. Compare the features and benefits of different solutions, assess the return on investment (ROI) and long-term savings, and choose a pricing model suited to your company’s needs and goals, such as pay-per-use or subscription.

Ethical considerations

Ethical use of AI is essential to enhance customer service without misleading or frustrating customers. Ensure that voicebots are transparent, clearly indicating when customers are interacting with a voicebot and providing the option to speak with a human agent when needed.

Choosing an AI voicebot is not a trivial task. There are many factors to consider that will influence your company’s bottom line and your customers’ experience. Contact Versatik, we’re here to help.