Multilingual voice chatbots for exporting companies

voicebot exporting company

The transformative power of AI voice agents for the export sector


In the fast-paced world of international trade and exporting, where tailored service and meaningful, human-like interactions are increasingly vital, Versatik introduces a custom Voice AI agent solution, designed for businesses engaged in exporting.

Versatik specializes in deploying AI voicebots capable of operating in up to 30 languages, enhancing your operations for customer support and lead generation initiatives in the global market.



The challenge

Managing inquiries and maintaining efficient yet adaptable operations present notable challenges. Providing 24/7 customer service in multiple languages and offering up-to-date information can also be daunting tasks, as well as represent significant costs. 

The solution

AI voicebots answer multiple calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in several languages, manage multiple simultaneous calls, take phone calls outside office hours, and relieve employees of routine operations.

    The results

    Reduced costs, shorter waiting times, and increased customer satisfaction in multiple languages. 

      What is a voice bot for an exporting company?

      A voice bot is an advanced communication tool, powered by conversational artificial intelligence. It is designed to capture, interpret, and analyze human language during an exchange, to provide responses in a natural language. Users can interact with these multilingual voicebots via voice commands, thereby receiving customized information.

      During online transactions or simply when browsing a website, your international customers may have specific questions about your range of products and services. Voice bots are an ideal solution to provide immediate, accurate, and cost-effective answers. Engaging in a conversation with a voice bot is similar to conversing with a human interlocutor, as the voicebot responds with its own “voice,” thus facilitating a user experience without borders or linguistic barriers.

        AI voice agents for export, available in 30 languages

        Intelligent voice agents are revolutionizing the export sector by optimizing operations and boosting customer contacts:

        Immediate access to information: Thanks to advanced natural language processing technologies, AI voicebots provide instant, accurate, and up-to-date information.

        Simplified use: Voice conversations simplify customers’ access to the information they are looking for, and to customer service in general, enriching the user experience.

        Reduced costs through automation: Automatic handling of routine inquiries significantly reduces operational costs, freeing up staff for more personalized customer interactions.

        Multilingual support: Able to communicate in several languages, our voicebots are available for an international clientele.

        Managing peaks in activity: AI voicebots guarantee consistent and rapid responses to customer requests, even during peaks in activity.

        Personalization and data analysis: By exploiting the data collected during exchanges with customers, Versatik can adjust the information returned via voice AI.

        Brand enhancement: Adopting cutting-edge customer service technology enhances your brand, demonstrating your commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction.

        Multilingual approach: Accessing the service via local telephone numbers allows you to forge a closer link with your customers, offering the possibility of reaching you via a local number or your website.

        The integration of AI voice technology therefore responds effectively to the specific challenges of exporting, boosting productivity and enhancing the customer experience.

        A seamless workflow enabled by an AI voice agent for an exporting company:

        – Customer initiation: A guest initiates contact by dialing a phone number
        – Ai interaction: An AI voice agent promptly answers, engaging with the guest to gather details for a tailored experience.
        – Inquiry handling:  The guest asks about any activity related to your company
        – Knowledge-based response and offer: Utilizing a vast knowledge base, the AI voicebot delivers comprehensive information about the services or activities
        – Crm integration: The collected information is immediately uploaded to a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, ensuring guest details are efficiently organized and accessible.

        Features of the AI voicebot for global exporters


        Latest-generation synthetic voices Strikingly realistic voices, available in 30 languages.

        24-hour availability Continuous assistance, making support and information available at all times from a telephone or website.

        Call automation in 30 languages You can have a local telephone number to be closer to your customers.

        Seamless integration with other information systems: APIs, databases, etc. Your AI voice bot can interact in real time with external APIs or databases to consult specific information or carry out actions such as scheduling appointments.

        Integration of language models such as ChatGPT The Large Language Model (LLM) is the dynamic heart of your AI voice bot. We integrate leading LLMs such as ChatGPT, Anthropic, and Mistral AI into your AI voice solution.

        Easy access from a website/app or phone number Your voice chatbot can be accessed directly from your website or application, and/or from a specific telephone number for Callbots.

        Manage incoming and outgoing calls Manage a large number of calls, both incoming and outgoing, and cope with peaks in demand.

        Live call transfer Calls can be transferred to a human agent according to predefined criteria, for smooth, personalized management.

        Confidentiality and transparency Our AI voice agent solutions respect the confidentiality of conversations. We adopt rigorous approaches to data security, using encryption methods to safeguard customer information.


        Maximizing efficiency and profitability: the ROI of AI phone automation

        Incorporating AI phone bots can significantly enhance the ROI of Exporting Companies even in challenging economic conditions. The benefits of AI automation—such as reducing time spent on administrative tasks, increasing operational efficiency, and elevating client satisfaction—lead to greater profitability and reduced costs over time.

        Get In Touch

        Interested in boosting your international trade strategy with AI Phone automation? Versatik is here to assist, ready to unlock the potential of AI for your export business.

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